Monday, November 29, 2010

Cervix Soft And Menstruation

Christmas decorations ready

Advent has begun and as always, the centerpiece is not ready! In return, we completed the decorations to hang. We have colored and enriched with glue and beads sbrilluccica Dora.
Below you can see the supercampana made by Martin! Even the beads he put them all! Has undertaken a great deal! :)
Finally, a couple of elves. The one with the face is rainbow of Joshua and the other is Dora.
Good "Great expectations" at all! :)

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Pinnacle Tv Center Dla Windows 7

letter to Santa Claus .....

Download letter

After much surfing the web to find a letter to be sent Santa Claus,
I decided to create it myself and to share ...... with all the kids who want to write!!

THE DAY I: "Ale want the whole or croissant with jam?"

Ale: "Thanks Mom, I want the integrated receiver!"

Dell Inspiron 1525 Sd Card Reader Driver


Angioletta sent me his beautiful poem that I gladly offer to visitors read the blog.


you torment me
inflict a punishment for my soul!
to externalize what is dormant under the guise of the soul
torment me
with sublime languor
leave a trail on my step
I leave the bittersweet taste of confession
the outer feelings
torment me and force me
and languid rest on fresh lines penned
because you want it to be so

November 21 2010

Angioletta Faccini

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Maltese Belly Is Bald

This calendar is made up of 4 sheets of A4 paper stuck together. It 's a home rather high! :)
The idea is to prepare designs or phrases that will be glued to the windows behind, and my children! Even the windows have not yet been numbered and let that they do them.
Today I am going to buy the printer cartridge and prepare everything, so this weekend if it rains we know what to do ...

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Whats It Called When You Masterbate With Fruit

Panettone Christmas and is already

pronununciare Just the name of this cake to evoke the many shades of Christmas. A recipe
all Italian, which brings with it the history and customs of a festival each year lived in the gestures of the tradition.
Legend has it that the cake has appeared for the first time in the court of Ludovico il Moro, Lord of Milan, where he held a big dinner for Christmas Eve.
Everything went perfectly, But the very sweet burned!
Panic seized the entire kitchen.
To remedy this, one scout suggested a cake that had prepared themselves, using advanced ingredients.
A "sweet bread" was then presented to the guests of the Duke.
The success was such that the host asked the guests know the name and the author of this extraordinary bread.
Toni, the garbage boy, came forward saying he had not yet given any name.
The Duke then baptized him with the name of its creator as "the bread of Toni", ie Panettone.
since then has become the Panettone Christmas cake par excellence.
Tadizione wants in the past was always done at home under control the head of the family that
at the end of the preparation on a cross, carved with a knife, as a blessing for the new year.

Checco, son of my dear friend Physio-mother, tells her mother:
"Mama I ate all day kindergarten"
Fisiomamma: "bravo !!... you also did an encore? "
Checco: "no, not there!"

Friday, November 19, 2010

How To Hang A 40 Lb Mirror

advent calendar Christmas decorations

begin in time to do some work ahead of Christmas. Today those few decorations to hang on the tree but you can use in other ways ... such as a label gift tag. We have printed this file to smooth cardboard F4 of Fabriano, but given that the papers are a bit 'expensive (I think between 5 and € 6 for 20 sheets), you can print on sheets of copier and then paste them on cardboard boxes of biscuits or pasta or cereal etc ....! We have done well to create cards this summer.
It should therefore comfortable with the first color, then paste on cardboard, and finally cut out the decorations! As soon will post our results! :)

How Much Does A Ambulance Weigh

learn the months of the year ... Italy

Yesterday, while walker internet looking for some nice game to ask of St. Nicholas, I've found a nice Eureka Kids magnetic board clock mobile, seasons, months, days of week magnetic, plus many other magnet maps that represent the tasks to be carried out during the week! In essence this is an agenda magnet for kids! Very nice as an idea! Sin is only in English ... I
by magnetic sheets that I wanted to use sooner or later ... and maybe this time I will try to create a slate like for my children ...
Meanwhile, I created very simple card with which to begin to become familiar with the months of the year ...
must be cut individually, even if the files are represented together 2 by 2.
I have yet to test them on my children! :)
place the files for those who want to experiment!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Disc For Thomson Dt6300 Diagnostics

ANTONIO Ragone: BITTER unfinished. ANA


bitterness also unfinished
dwell in the depths of the mystery
yet there is a little love
weatherproof human.
You this incomprehensible dissonance
that tears relationships and makes you just
closed in a torment that you
crashed under the weight of the indefinable.
And I'm tired, like an abandoned boat
wave, dream a prone resting on sand.

Antonio Ragone (From The steps on the path unknown 'Towards marie banks' Giovane Holden Edizioni 2010)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Comparison Between Nike And Reebok

CALIYURI: Spanish translation POETRY "Ginepraia.

Dearest Ana,
thank you for your valuable translation of my poetry "quagmire" .
Felice of your friendship and artistic collaboration that has developed between us.
I embrace you with affection, poet friend.


El Frío de noviembre que ya me invades me because
sin que en la Esfera Humedo
nitrogen me me resiente and revolts me a bit of weight
accumulated in the year
already here soon I will as usual in this deception
infinite hope
contained in the tangle of feelings
many many many a moon so far but now
so close that both look at each game
as mysterious as beautiful as usual time
indifferent companion of my years
locked in another dedication.
So be it, all I am numb and detached,
also a shame not
restless sleep of my nights and torment of his silences
that stir in my tiredness indifferent.
tangle of feelings in my achievement even
rough sipping that while marginalizing the flow of blood
thorny bushes, the red juice of a wine
my land and sea.

Traduzione di Ana Caliyuri

Monday, November 15, 2010

Tell Me More About Tobradex

Waiting for Christmas !!!!!

By popular request of my little pests that in view of Christmas, they turn into little angels!!