Monday, February 28, 2011

Where In The Nabooty Crystalys


Angiolo Silvio Novaro was born in Diano Marina, Imperia Province November 12, 1866 and died in Oneglia, Imperia, 10 March 1938. He is the brother of the poet Mario Novaro, I should devote myself to him in future posts.
Poet and prose writer outside the cultural patterns of Italian literature '900, is the author of numerous poems dedicated to the nature of which he was careful to cover. He is the author of the famous "That says the rain in March? ".
His works include "The harmonious blacksmith" , dedicated to his son James, who died in World War I, and the collection of poems written for children "The basket" that remains his most famous book . It was remarkable translator de "Treasure Island" by Robert Louis Stevenson and "Life of Jesus" Francois Mauriac.
of him suggest that he dedicated a poem to Eugenio Montale, one of the least known, but in my opinion, among his best. The poet refers to the opera Eugene Montale "Noon pale and absorbed" .

in Montale

They say, Eugene, that you could not

look beyond the walls

that on top of sharp shards of bottle.

For thou hast seen me that beyond
you have placed in the unfamiliar place

where steam as the essence of life.

Now Live transparency between blondes
your message about the future became clear.

not show more

to the blue of the sky mirrored

the anxiety of the yellow face.

We will live a new destiny
crazy like flowers of light.

All m'è rare, unexpected gift.
Grace Bloom,

O life!

Angiolo Silvio Novaro

When Do You Get A Genital Exam

Rain in June - Jabbour Douaihy (2010)

More about Pioggia di giugno June Rain is a choral novel, each character is asked to recall the violent confrontation between some family members, and al-Rami al-Samaan, which occurred in the village of Barq in 1957. The evidence collected by Elias Kfouri to conceived the night before his father's death to find Barq; long awaited only child is removed from the mother, anxious and possessive but willing to separate but to guarantee the survival of Elijah.
When Elijah back in Lebanon, now an adult, is at once a stranger and the little boy with glasses who played the accordion. People are suspicious to him first, and then deliver the fragments of their history, in a reference constant between the personal and collective stories.
June rains in some ways recalls the time that remains, Elia Suleiman, especially in the figure of the elderly mother that Elias Kfouri to say goodbye to the last time before returning to the United States.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Where Can I Buy Crew Products

Did you know ........

last February is almost over ..... I came out unscathed from the birthdays of Hannibal and Hasdrubal, on social influences, and the infamous ear infections, unpleasant and boring tables! !!!!!!

I teach everything to fate to Hannibal: sticky everywhere around the house, singing in the bush with him, to find the rhymes to store them better .... and we arrived only at the 6 times table !!!!!

I dare not imagine the other ..........


the origin of the @ character is very old, contrary to the think, in fact, some believe that it derives from the Mesopotamian and Egyptian hieroglyph or to mean measurement.

Even the ancient Romans, around the sixth-seventh century AD, used to shorten their "ad" when writing from dictation.

The @ symbol, today is none other than the short graphical "at" which in English means at.

Removing Popcorn Butter From Leather

rediscover ethics - the Republic

Interview with Giorgio Agamben suggests broad lines of thought on ethics and the centrality of values.
deeply Agamben puts into question the concept of ethics when he says: "It states that to do good must have a fixed belief system. So, would act well only one who has a set of principles to be fulfilled. [...] When I was working on the idea of \u200b\u200b'witness' struck me the story of a girl who, subjected to torture by the Gestapo, had refused to reveal the names of his companions. To those who later asked in the name of what principles had been able to do so, said only: 'I did it because I liked it'. The ethical duty not to obey a means to get involved: in what you think, say and believe. "

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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Munich, 2005

Watching this movie reminded of the concept controversial, the cycle of violence - if it fails to explain certain human behaviors acted out within the family context - not just as easily apply to wider areas, such as the relationship between various human groups.
In an act of violence like the heinous killing of 11 Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics in Monaco in 1972, followed by a retaliation for the removal of principals and performers. Of the five members of the group in charge of the task, three are then eliminated.
remain alive - coincidentally - the two young, virile, and devoted to the cause: the image of the hero par excellence. Avner Kaufmann, the protagonist, only marginal yields to something that looks like the panic, when we doubt they can make a fine fellow.
The price of violence is often the paronoia.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

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tried hoping to find, but maybe I have not found any solutions to problems to the attention of feelings. I believe in life as in a special preservation of my soul, born as pure, delicate flower. Then cut from evidence and expectations - the expectations, the worst of evils - the largest one, the essence of life, the disappointment experienced in front of so many closed doors, oh, life has so many! And not just the maturity of years like stones on our shoulders and reason to help us define the composition of a circle that does not come back. That is not death!
the time and place of mystery, uncertain and misleading, implacable enemy of every creature, uncertain and risky as a fierce and cruel wildlife pretending to sleep. Its flow does not perceive it, it still lurking in the mesh intricate of life, deceive us, it seems to pass ever, but when we look back we see that any more time, slow and timely manner, increased as indifferent to the beating of wings. life lived so far seems just giving love neglected perhaps too good for cowardice, a defense to warm our melancholy against the night cold. There's so cold that s'avverte in advancing years and the flow of time, life is but a set of ashes that dissolve in the wind, but the flow remains a perennial river. There is bitterness, disappointment and despair. But is not this life that often puts us in the face of human wickedness? Life must be lived, not survived. But we are always forced to survive every day, counting around us a host of absences. On a calm night sea waves the boat waiting to take us in search of our island hidden. Travel, do not stop, the river never stops, even in the face of rocks of the mountains, floating out on the merge with the sea in an embrace of love fulfilled.
Antonio Ragone

Monday, February 21, 2011

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Identity in transition - Alessandro Taurino (2003)

More about Identità in transizione An essay on the evolution of cultural models of masculinity. This is more of an overview of different strands already widely suspected that an original contribution to a great theme. Alessandro Taurino nell'alveo choose to remain assured of the existing literature, without giving a personal reading studies, however, are already old.
Even the qualitative research presented in the closing lifts the fortunes of the book, ranging from much too short and uncertain conclusions.
Appreciable is the one related to men's studies, from which one can draw ideas for further research. It should be said that the bibliography is really great thickness divided by chapter and annotated at the end of the test.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Extrene Pelvic Pain 33 Weeks Could I Be Induced?


Dear Antonio, I submit to you my poetry.

What about your "No"? we are really spirits ultra!
the imperceptible perceptible to us is sometimes!


Cara Angio, yours is a beautiful poem written with delicate words that come from the heart,
I appreciated very much.


not wake up feeling overwhelmed by the dust of time
not shake my combative nature

I know you miss

But the creature in our time we had designed
perhaps left us a message of love
the task of continuing and forgiveness

It is high time for agreeing
this forgiveness that has long dragged
like a rag

Follow the path then you will be brought before
follow the path and listen
hear this life who has
revealed to us in this time
to be understood

My loneliness
is no longer empty
I have your forgiveness
the anxiety that t'arrecano tribulations
becomes slightly
have my forgiveness

But do not shake my combative nature

November 21, 2007

Angioletta Faccini

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Ideal Temperature For 4 Week Old Baby

RESPONSE TO "ANONYMOUS": "give me the prose version-Paraphrase-DE 'THE DANCE OF THE SNOW' by Ada Negri?".


the fields or roads,
quiet and mild,
whirling, snow

Dance flap white
it the wide sky playful,
then rests on the ground,

motionless in a thousand forms,
rooftops and chimneys,
on stones and gardens,

All of it is about peace
closed in deep oblivion,
indifferent world

Ada Negri ( on this blog on January 12, 2010)

Thank you for visiting.
If I understood her to "prose version" means a paraphrase, a literal explanation of the poem written in prose. I've written two, see which one makes his case.


1) Snow Falling on the fields and on roads quiet and gentle, almost dancing. The thick layers of snow whirling in the sky almost joking immense. Then the snow covers the ground, tired. The snow has stopped, still, in many different ways, almost asleep, on roofs, chimneys, columns and gardens. The view of the snowy landscape gives a sense of peace, the men of the world, locked in a deep silence, silent indifference.

2) It snows: the white slopes down slightly, hovering like a game, almost eager to linger in the air before settling to the ground exhausted. The roofs, chimneys, columns along the roads and gardens cloaked in white sleeping in a profound stillness. All is peace all around. The world in its indifference seems to have forgotten to exist in the silence that suddenly turned itself off every item, every noise, ignoring the spell work from nature.

Antonio Ragone

Friday, February 18, 2011

Unterschied Emu Emu Wool

"The strength of criticism" - the Republic 02.02.2011

The interview with the director of "New York Review of Books is a pretext for questioning about the usefulness of literary criticism. Far from being an end in itself, or dependent upon purely economic considerations related to the major publishers, literary criticism proves to have high aspiration, political, if not philosophical.

The debate also concerns the relevance of traditional literary criticism, on the web when the books were summarily assessed in stars and anyone can stamp out a classic. It 's also true that the reader noticed, grew up in sound literary criticism, distinguish between his review of Alberto Asor and those published by IBS. For this is perhaps a bit 'too pessimistic are those who believe that " comments copyright not need."

Saturday, February 12, 2011

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The life and her experiences - almost always suffered - are experienced and treated in our innermost essence, are the lifeblood for our journey. The mind observes and writes everything down on the living condition of a notebook that will inevitably become our past, although having developed the ability to capture and process the size of many absences from which they originate our lives thinking, present and future.

(Antonio Ragone)


I met him through a street of mud
- the darkness hid his face and did not recognize him -
were all inside, sitting next
a mug of wine. I had not just me,
me, I was the last to arrive at the house of the fishermen.
wait for me for many years, and when I entered
everything was over, all those already
had left. O had never arrived?
No red wine stain on the tablecloth was,
that always flows in the drink. I went out.
The man who did not recognize out of the dark
not never met him, just because
simply never existed.
sensed the smell of the mist in the breath,
no lamp but dimly lit up the mud.
I was alone, and if anyone had ever met, we would
- he and I - even more alone.
Wandering, wandering, arrived at last at the port?
This, this, just for the salt air?
I never knew if it too had never existed,
the sea, I mean, so immense
to be really never existed.
That night, a good time, Nivea for centuries,
understood that nothing was tangible,
because nothing is what it actually yearn.
In the fog and the smell of the sea,
that has always for me only I had invented,
suddenly I thought to review
man hidden in the dark.
It was a moment, then disappeared, because there was not.
course because I was there.

Antonio Ragone (From "The island hidden" Editions Akkuaria 2007)

Friday, February 11, 2011

What Prepaid Plan Will Work With The Sidekick 09


Valentino, was born in Terni in 175. Patron of the city, love and pr

otettore lovers around the world, Valentino turned his life to the Christian community of his city, not far from Rome, where persecution raged against the followers gi

Jesus was consecrated by the Pope Bishop of Terni in 197.

Valentino is still considered the patron saint of lovers, since legend has it that he was the first priest to celebrate the union between a Christian and a young legionary pay.

When the persecution of Emperor Aurelian ordered Christians, Valentine was imprisoned and whipped along the Via Flaminia from the city to prevent riots and reprisals of the faithful, and then was martyred.

The Legend Legend has it that Valentine's day hearing arguing the two young lovers went their meeting by offering a gift a beautiful rose. Then she whispered words of reconciliation, putting an end to the dispute.

At this point, the Saint asked them to tighten together the stem of a rose and to pray that their love would last forever.

Shortly after the two young men came to him to receive the sacrament of marriage:

was February 14.

From then on February 14 of each year all over the world will celebrate Valentine's Day, the Holy love.

Day at a Time "De Agostini"

Monday, February 7, 2011

Write A Lettr To Ford

snowy paths.

I was one of the still snow-covered mountains in search of myself, I traveled paths mossy pine sleepers burned by the ice between here and there melted puddles like ponds, thorny bushes and broken branches under the weight of snow. Top hawks made their flight subtle and fleeting, blackbirds flying low, Zirl went away to my slow pace. What was the wickedness of the world far and how deep concerns that used to go with me. My concern, however, was lighter, the silence comforted me a little. Silence, oh, the silence many voices been heard when there is silence. It all made sense, even the noise of trampling on my leaves. The sky was gray and the world as the sea water when the lash the northwest, it cleans up with its undertow of restoring at least a little its winter splendor. I looked at this beautiful sky and chill with my touch of melancholy stormy eyes of God
Antonio Ragone

Saturday, February 5, 2011

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Marika Ferrari a young girl of just 18 years has committed suicide, hanging herself in the bathroom of his school in Monterotondo (Rome). To become aware of the tragic event was the janitor, who has been warned several professors of the school, who tried to save it with a heart massage, but to no avail .... Marika before his death wrote a letter explaining the tragic gesture, " kill me because he left me for another . The shouts of his facebook profile was full of sad thoughts in which one could understand state of despair of the young girl. Now his facebook profile has been locked.
was a model student, was fine at school, and was very pretty, but he had an obsession with diets since it was put on weight, physical fitness was his obsession, and this was one of the reasons which have urge to go to the psychologist to support the school.

Friday, February 4, 2011

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E 'recently released the latest album by Jovanotti , entitled "Now " the songs are amazing, every song is different, is an album full of sounds, all different from one another, each song is like a new journey to break down, in some songs reminiscent 'Safari, but this does not preclude the originality of the great work done by Jovanotti and his team of all time.

Jovanotti has dedicated his new album to his mother who died about two months ago.
He opted for a merry pace, almost dance on the new album "Now" because she said that was what he did to her mother and was therefore right for the tribute that would make them with his latest work.

Track Listing Disc 1 of "Time" containing 15 tracks:

All the love I have pockets full of stones

The Greatest Show after the big bang
The human element
Beautiful Life (La Belle Vie) by Amadou & Mariam
Beats of butterfly wings with Michael Franti

I dance the night Wish
When I'm old

The illusion door is open

of emotion is the tracklist of the CD 2 of "Time" contains 10 tracks:

push the time up to the big fish with
Cesare Cremonini
The endless party on the frontier

Medicine On the waterfront of the world

Go !!!!!!! The human element

I leave you with this video, very interesting where Jovanotti (Lorenzo Cherubini ) tells the story of the creation of his new album Now in 15 minutes.

If you want to stay current with Jovanotti I recommend you become a fan of his official page on facebook .

Thursday, February 3, 2011

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Even on the facebook page there Renato Vallanzasca over 3000fan. Renato Costantini
Vallanzasca nicknamed the beautiful Rene fascinated by its appearance, beautiful features and blue eyes is a well known Italian crime. Author in the seventies and following a number of seizures robberies, murders and escapes escaped from prison several times. At the time was considered by many critics as a negative hero! A beast ... inbottita of cocaine with a slew of kidnappings, robberies and murders !
It has also dared to ask for the grace!

E 'was sentenced to four life sentences and 260 years imprisonment , 8 March 2010 but is enjoying the benefit of outside work: He is allowed to leave prison to work at 7.30am and returns at 19:00. Employed in a leather which is also a social cooperative in Milan. Vallanzasca enjoys a form of permission, granted under the first paragraph of Article 21 of the order prison, which also applies to prisoners serving life sentences that are already in prison for at least 10 years. Recently released in Italian cinemas is a film about his life entitled "Vallanzasca-angels of evil" directed by Michele Placido, previously released in 1977 "The band Vallanzasca" directed by Mario Bianchi. But who is really

Renato Vallanzasca? You can tell a lot about his history of watching this video YouTube. Enjoy.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

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Mafia Wars is a game online created by Zynga participants can play on Facebook if they add the application to your profile. To do this, simply do a search for Mafia Wars on your Facebook page and then choose to allow the application to access your Facebook account. You do not need other password or other login information will be taken automatically from your account Facebook.

To play Mafia Wars must choose a name to use in the game, and then you can immediately begin a career criminal, the more people you recruit in his own crime family is better because they serve to win the battle. Let's say that at first it was simple Picciotto and then they hand you exceeding various levels are able to grow on Mafia Wars have four indicators: strength, energy, health and money . To raise the indicators and then to increase their power and gain points, if you participate in the various missions (work).

As the points increase, the level of salt careers, some terms to know before you start playing are:

Padrino (godfather) if you click here you enter the room of the Godfather, where you can buy items that are very comfortable in the game.

Sgarro (fight) each time you will be informed the Sgarro made by another player, if you accept the clash Mafia Wars game will compare the data from both criminals and wins more energy affiliates and weapons.

Mafia Wars points are accumulated by playing the various missions, which require energy and weapons that you acquire throughout the game, each level has its own weapons.

Cosca, (my mafia) the thigh in a nutshell is the home where you can invite all your friends on facebook, it is more and more opportunities to defeat opponents.

Currently, there are four areas of the world where players can do jobs, build businesses, buy property and earn (and spend) money. The game takes place in New York, Cuba, Moscow.

Now that you know how you can start playing, who knows maybe you will become a haunting new Don Vito Corleone.

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Vasco's new album will be released March 29 with 12 new unreleased songs, his fans can not wait to hear the new songs, especially since Vasco has revealed its facebook and official website few sentences of two new songs titled "The manifesto was the new tourist-humanity and the Kite"

The song called "the kite" speaks of the illusions that help to live and let go looking over, here are some verses:

I do not like this world that moves
And every day seems even better
I do not like to change all this frenzy

You know that could stay for months at a kite hung

Looking at the sky that moves
And the sun dies

Instead, the song "the futurist manifesto of the new humanity" speaks in an ironic way of the human condition in 21st century, must rely mainly on himself and can no longer rely on "the help of higher powers" will

difficult not to make mistakes
Without the help of an output exceeding

know I made a deal with my emotions I leave
And they do not make me out

The two songs, apparently the one in antithesis with each other, anticipating the framework of the disc, offering a taste of what it actually is an album full of surprises, even musically. The album comes out March 29 and consists of 12 original songs, as always pieces of life. After the 48 European dates in arenas and indoor spaces in 2009/2010, Vasco returns this year in the stadiums and the official calendar of dates will be announced within days.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

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Four friends unemployed Spaniards ( Carlos Ayuso, Iñigo Gonzalez, Jose Gonzalez and Sarmiento Ramírez Antuan ) had a great idea: create a new social network to all persons without work, a virtual meeting place to exchange ideas and contacts and perhaps help in some way to resolve the major problem of work due to the crisis of the last period.
The name of the new social network is a platform Parobook created just for the unemployed, poor parobook words is the red version of facebook, in fact, the interface is very similar, just as you can update your facebook profile, publish their thoughts and can communicate with other users through chat . For the moment Parobook is still in beta, the team is planning to publish spaces curriculum, human resources, for business deals, etc. .. Members are increasing day by day, red is the new facebook great success.

Differnces Between Essentialism And Progressivism

MARINO MORETTI: short paraphrase "The memory further away," the first sadness, "THE COLLECTION" POEM WRITTEN BY LAPIS.

Marino Moretti was born in Cesenatico in the province of Forlì, July 18, 1885 and died in the same city July 6, 1979. What Marino Moretti is an independent and unique journey in the twentieth century literary itliano. In 1905 she released her first book, fraternity and from that moment, his fidelity to literature knew no interruption. He participated in the WWI Red Cross services. In 1952 the prize was dei Lincei. His voluminous literary work has focused on the search for identity, the awareness of not knowing, the pain of living in a comfortless gray, and his refuge is the memory, love for literature, the ancient objects, the house of 'time, the days passed, the present age. After the decline of his life, he polished the old, yet you repeat the question " who I am?" , a man who dug and dug into his sentence, making ground for life and an occasion for poetry.
"It's raining. It's Wednesday. Cesena are "-" Chinar the head is / where life is always the same? "-" The sadness is my bread and my piada. This is its moral lesson, melancholy lines, yes, but, even beyond the most bitter conflicts, reveal in each case, albeit in a characteristically self-deprecating way, an acceptance of life. His poems are strongly questions about the human condition (What is? Who are you, who are they?, Where Are You?) ; responses are those of ritual: the sadness, indifference, loneliness and the dark color of life, which is also found in the figure of "pencil" used metaphorically as a means of writing his poems.
from this great scholar of the twentieth century suggest two poems: The memory further and sorrows The first, taken right from one of his many collections of verse, Poems written in pencil.
poems written in pencil, collection of poetry published in 1910, when the author was twenty-five years, has done a shabby image without boundaries, and often an emotion that fades nell'autoironia. The century just born, in fact, was recording his first crisis of values; crisis Marino Moretti has expressed so clear in this work that, even today, in the third millennium started, proves that he has successfully defied the times and fashions.


fundamental reason: the mother, who finds himself in the pages of memoirs of his best, the novel's mother, my mother , The happy time, here surrounded by a scary place where prenatal, carnal in the matrix, identified the romance and happiness, then that life inevitably destroys.

Maybe I remember that I had a sweet time
your own, your body and your heart,
when it was in you, live
thought that it was not a glimmer of my life.

Maybe I felt what you felt
tacit closed in my hiding place;
I reached us some glimpses of the living
dreams that you dreamed of for your child:

some jerk you scotea fors'
who was also to your flesh shivered,
the loss of limbs tired
and a sudden reminder of God

thinking, dreaming, you were giving
to my face its physiognomy,
and I felt your gentle signs
s'imprimevan that in my flesh.

I felt your heart: the
was close to my heart more than what time trick or rock,
and was so garrulous and
little I could do with a toy.

I format without my
wild rush, not knowing the unknown
be expected which made
slow journey to reach its destination in a vacuum;

I formed without a
word of my own arcane will
I was as docile creature
that fears nothing and knows nothing and look.

perhaps I was happy, my life
was a reflection of your own: but because
was sweeter and almost indefinite
for the sweetness of that enchantment.

But one day I came out of your blood: m'arresi.
heart I was crying, flesh pain.
I was too old, I had too many months
to live that life still warm.


"No, not today, I mean it!" So the boy decides. And truant. But he can not help but think of his class, his companions. Everything has a bitter taste, even a small personal dream is already present anxiety of repentance that gradually makes its way into his soul. There are no true joy, only questions with the same non-answers.

I was a child, I went to school, and one day
I say to myself: 'I do not want to go, "
and I did not go. I began to walk
all alone until noon.

And so often. At school I did not go
sometimes from that sad day.
I walked until noon
and hours ... the hours are not passavan ever.

So remorse held my heart in that sad
freedom lost, and what
anxiety, my God, of being seen by Mr Monti
, by Doctor!

I was thinking about my class, the empty place,
to register, call (oh the name, the name in my
silence) and I felt like
leaning on the abyss of the unknown.

and pushed me until around the gardens
or avenues out of town;
and I was wondering, "Now, who will be questioned
, Poggi or Poggiolini?.

O repeating myself some piece of history
(Berengar, Charlemagne,
Rosamund) and it was my voice a complain
rhythmic sound almost not human.

And how many times I asked
time a passerby and was rushed
in the request so my prayer!
But the hours ... the hours are not passavan ever.

Who will give me, who will give me that hour
so lost my childhood?
Not you, not you that nostalgia
much trouble and I laughed in his heart,

not you, that you do not lean your forehead
tacermi for a tear or thought
ch 'is on the threshold of your brow or even black
Poggi nor Poggiolini.

( Marino Moretti, from poems written in pencil , Naples, Ricciardi, 1910)

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The month of February is a month especially dear to me because, despite having five years apart, my two children were born: Hannibal and Hasdrubal ....
in full swing this month and then prepare for their birthdays, the house is filled with midgets and leaping with costume urlantivestiti unlikely (given the Carnival), on time, scratching the floor, paint walls, toys and poison distuggono aquarium fish with pizza and chips!!
quast'anno I also hope to come out unscathed .... in the meantime a little 'history:
The name derives from the Latin Februarium February, and was considered the month of purification: februus fact, means "cleansing."
In the Roman tradition was the month dedicated to Neptune, the god of the sea and tides this month called for the sailors of ancient Rome Neptune propiziarselo in view of the beautiful season that began shipping.
In Archaic Roman calendar February was not afraid because the year was made up only 10 months.
In the calendar of the Roman Republic, Februarius was the twelfth month of the calendar and counted 28 days. In
CALENDAR Februarius Giuliano became the second month with 29 days in normal years and 30 days in leap years. In the calendar
Augusteo Februarius was the second month and has 28 days in normal years, 29 days in leap years.
February is one of the two coldest months of the year but the days are a bit 'longer.
This month we celebrate Carnival.
L 'Carnival origin of the term could come from meat or meat-val lift, an invitation not to eat meat and to prepare for the Lenten fast.
the period before Lent was to be spent in a cheerful and carefree first 40 days of fasting in preparation for Easter.
Carnival offered and offers all today ', the appropraite to take certain liberties with regard to social rules. Once the disguise
fact had the clear aim: concealing his identity behind the mask, each had the opportunity to act like he never had the courage to open face.
During the Carnival of paper, but throw confetti, the confetti had long ago made with the seeds of a plant called, precisely, coriander.
These seeds were dipped in plaster and dried before being thrown from floats and balconies. The first paper confetti
furno invented by a Milanese who distributed them to a feast of carnival for children .... probably to avoid the hurt it.