Monday, February 28, 2011

Where In The Nabooty Crystalys


Angiolo Silvio Novaro was born in Diano Marina, Imperia Province November 12, 1866 and died in Oneglia, Imperia, 10 March 1938. He is the brother of the poet Mario Novaro, I should devote myself to him in future posts.
Poet and prose writer outside the cultural patterns of Italian literature '900, is the author of numerous poems dedicated to the nature of which he was careful to cover. He is the author of the famous "That says the rain in March? ".
His works include "The harmonious blacksmith" , dedicated to his son James, who died in World War I, and the collection of poems written for children "The basket" that remains his most famous book . It was remarkable translator de "Treasure Island" by Robert Louis Stevenson and "Life of Jesus" Francois Mauriac.
of him suggest that he dedicated a poem to Eugenio Montale, one of the least known, but in my opinion, among his best. The poet refers to the opera Eugene Montale "Noon pale and absorbed" .

in Montale

They say, Eugene, that you could not

look beyond the walls

that on top of sharp shards of bottle.

For thou hast seen me that beyond
you have placed in the unfamiliar place

where steam as the essence of life.

Now Live transparency between blondes
your message about the future became clear.

not show more

to the blue of the sky mirrored

the anxiety of the yellow face.

We will live a new destiny
crazy like flowers of light.

All m'รจ rare, unexpected gift.
Grace Bloom,

O life!

Angiolo Silvio Novaro


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