Monday, March 14, 2011

Pokemon Silver Oremerald?

Gone with the Wind in the Vatican - the millennial (1999)

More about Via col vento in Vaticano It 'all too easy to say that the events narrated in this paper a more hands you already know everything, even though almost nothing has ever been officially admitted. It 'too easy to say that, after all, consecrated persons are human beings, and then - like all - weak in the face of temptation of power and money.
After reading it reinforces the idea of \u200b\u200bfaith is something transcendental, almost completely independent of the church; sometimes it is even tempting to think that if we continue to believe in spite of both the church and not because of it.
would be wrong to believe that all the prelates of the Vatican is guilty of atrocities, and the authors of this book alone would represent already a significant exception. The reaction is still that of a distancing from a class of people who systematically violates the principles of the Gospel.


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