Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Krusteaz Belgian Waffle Mix To Make Pancakes

..... Tales of Ordinary Madness .....

You know the jingle of Psycho? Here, that was the last night of my sottofonfo:

22:00 pm ... "Baby it's time to go to bed !!!!!"

Hannibal: "Yes mom, but I have a stomach ache"
Me: "I'm sorry to go .. arrival and now I make you a nice massaggino "

Hannibal Mammaaaa, mammaaaa hurts!"
then I go and do the nice massaggino ... (so to speak because it lasted for three hours).
in the meantime I will throw him, clings to me like the ivy I
"You have a breath! you seem to have eaten a dead rat !!!!!!"
all this while he kissed me to knock.

After a while, 'arrives Hasdrubal, "Mommy did Timon population'"
"Ok, come on love you ........ you did population change'???!!!??' but this is kryptonite !!!!!!".

Hannibal "Mammaaaaaa, mammaaaaa, mammaaaaaa .... I still have a stomach ache .... mammaaaaa "
" Love now show, dispose of the kryptonite and I am your brother "
Hasdrubal" mom .... arm in arm! I
"ok let's all go to the Latvian"
one attached to me like a mussel, the other as the ivy
with an odor "spicy" in the background ......
All this while my husband "Peter Pan" or, as Asdrubal "Pipelpan"
play with it on the couch with "Pleidescion !!!!!".
AIUTOOOO ......... ..........


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